Lösningen bidrar till problemet?
30 oktober 2003 | Ingen har kommenterat än
Steve Talbott i senaste utsändningen av sitt nyhetsbrev NetFuture:
”When I send out NetFuture, I receive back more and more automated
requests from spam blockers inviting me to go to some website or other and
verify that NetFuture is a legitimate publication. I never respond to
these requests. Apart from the impracticality of the situation (imagine
hundreds or thousands of subscribers employing such blockers) I regard the
requests themselves as spam. ’Please come on over to my website and click
on a button or two’ sure sounds like spam to me.It’s a good illustration of a point I frequently make: the attempt to
automate solutions to human problems all too easily contributes to a
worsening of the problems, which may have arisen in the first place from
the automation of formerly personal transactions.
Nyhetsbrevet finns också på www.netfuture.org/.
Kategori: Webb och IT