Blind Höna

Sedan 2001

Lösningar på problem du inte visste fanns

17 december 2003 | Ingen har kommenterat än

”… Take the telephone in the bathroom. Now, having grown up in a large family, I have never actually had the nerve to use a telephone in the bathroom.

The problem with using a telephone in the bathroom, Mr. Hickox explained, is that ’it sounds like you’re in the bathroom, with that cavernous echo.’

His team’s solution was to design a bathroom phone that electronically cancels the echo, even when using the hands-free phone installed near the tub.”

Från New York Times: Working Hard to Make Technology Easier, 16 dec



Om Blind Höna

Bloggen Blind Höna startade 2001 på adressen Nu har den flyttat hemifrån till en egen adress. Men det är samma blogg.

Min bok "Jävla skitsystem!" har en egen blogg på


