Googles teknik
1 maj 2004 | Ingen har kommenterat än
Googles har världens största kluster av Linux-servrar, hanterar uppgraderingar och patchar på alla och har ändå 100% uptime. Hur funkar det? Och hur stor kapacitet har de egentligen – 10.000 servrar eller 100.000 servrar?
Lite om det tekniska hemlighetsmakeriet hos Google i Guardian:
”…presentations by Google techies have been run through some kind of corporate filter before they make it into Powerpoint. The operation of the filter is erratic (it’s difficult for PR flacks effectively to censor geeks at the best of times), but it seems that the overall aim is to understate every aspect of Google’s technology and technical performance by several orders of magnitude.
How do we know this? Mainly because of internal inconsistencies in the data provided by Google employees…”
John Naughton: What can’t you find on Google? Vital statistics, 25 april
Kategori: Webb och IT