Blind Höna

Sedan 2001

Spam-attackerna fortsätter med nya vapen

4 februari 2005 | Ingen har kommenterat än

”An advanced spamming technique could push the volume of unwanted e-mail to new heights in coming months, straining the integrity of the online communication system, according to several top experts who monitor the activity of spam gangs around the world.

Illegal bulk-mailers have been able to deploy massive blasts of spam by routing it through the computers of their Internet service providers, rather than sending it directly from individual machines, the experts said. (…)

What alarms Linford and others about the latest spam offensive is that it strikes at the heart of the blacklist system, a baseline of defense for virtually all network operators…” Spammers’ New Strategy (4 feb 2005)

Nya siffror också om spams belastning på produktiviteten:

”In a study released yesterday, market research firm Rockbridge Associates Inc. and the Center for Excellence in Service at the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business estimated that deleting spam alone costs nearly $22 billion a year in lost productivity. The study, based on a survey of 1,000 adults, said the 78 percent who said they receive spam spend an average of three minutes deleting it each day they check their e-mail.”

Pressmeddelandet från Rockbridge Associates ( Spam Costs U.S. Nearly $22 Billion Annually: National Survey Finds 22.9 Million Hours a Week Wasted on Spam



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