Blind Höna

Sedan 2001

”Utrota varenda jävel” blir dokumentär på HBO

7 april 2021 | Ingen har kommenterat än

Sven Lindqvists Utrota varenda jävel ligger till grund för Raoul Pecks film Exterminate all the brutes, i fyra delar på HBO (men inte i Sverige än) med premiär idag.

Peck citerar Lindqvists inledningsmeningar från Utrota varenda jävel direkt: Det är inte kunskap vi saknar. Du vet redan tillräckligt. Vad som fattas oss är modet att inse vad vi vet och dra slutsatserna.

Exterminate all the brutes är i sin tur ett citat från Joseph Conrads roman Mörkrets hjärta.

Time skriver: HBO’s Exterminate All the Brutes Is a Radical Masterpiece About White Supremacy, Violence and the History of the West. (7 april 2021). De citerar Peck: ”Lindqvist was definitely not a ’white savior’. Sven saw my world and lived in it, as I did his.”

Sven Lindqvists bok har kompletterats med ett par andra verk:

The film, they told Plepler in a two-page pitch, would be based on the historian Sven Lindqvist’s 1992 book ”Exterminate All the Brutes”, a mix of history and travelogue that used Joseph Conrad’s novella ”Heart of Darkness” as a jumping off point to trace Europe’s racist past in Africa. (”Exterminate all the brutes” is a phrase written by Kurtz, Conrad’s ivory trading ”demigod”.) It would be about that, but also much more, much of which they hadn’t quite worked out yet.

”There were a lot of ideas in that pitch”, Grellety remembered.

After mining Lindqvist’s book, Peck determined he needed a similar text about the history of genocide in the United States. He came upon ”An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States”, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s American Book Award-winning examination of this country’s centuries-long war against its original inhabitants, and was ”wowed”.
In ’Exterminate All the Brutes’, Raoul Peck Takes Aim at White Supremacy (NY Times, 5 april 2021)

Guardian: ”Sometimes, it’s shocking”: Raoul Peck on his bold new colonialism series (7 april 2021)

NY Times review: Raoul Peck’s four-hour documentary for HBO is a dizzying retelling of the course of colonialism, slavery and genocide. (6 april 2021)



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