Blind Höna

Sedan 2001

”Compassionate conservatism”, och vad Jesus egentligen sa

17 oktober 2004 | Ingen har kommenterat än

”In 1997 [Pete] Wehner — a devout Evangelical — wrote a courageous Op-Ed piece in the Washington Post that began with a question:

’During His ministry, Christ spoke out most often about

  1. the evils of homosexuality,
  2. the merits of democracy,
  3. family-friendly tax cuts or
  4. the danger of riches?

It turns out Christ said nothing about the first three and a lot about the last one. But you would never know it based on the rhetoric of many modern-day Christians — particularly politically active ones.'”

Joe Klein: Blessed Are the Poor — They Don’t Get Tax Cuts

(Time Magazine, 9 juni 2003)

Jag kom att tänka på Joe Kleins krönika – om hur ”Bush was supposed to be a different sort of Republican, a ’compassionate’ conservative” – när jag häromdagen såg den rapporten Empty Promises: The Poverty of Compassionate Conservatism (pressmeddelande på PPI Report Shows the Broken Promises of President Bush’s Compassionate Conservatism).

Kan vara värd att kolla, med tanke på att Fredrik Reinfelt försöker leda sitt parti mot någon sorts svensk ”moderat medkänsla”, i den val-förkampanj som redan börjat här hemma.

(Jo det var i Kleins krönika jag stötte på ordet ”flummery”.)



Om Blind Höna

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