Blind Höna

Sedan 2001

Tolstoj på amerikanska

25 mars 2006 | Ingen har kommenterat än

Jamie Masefield tar Tolstoj till 2000-taletSånt här gillar jag: amerikanske mandolinspelaren Jamie Masefields Jazz Mandolin Project sätter musik och video till novellen ”Hur mycket land behöver en människa?” av ryske klassikern Leo Tolstoj:

”The story is about a man spurred on by the devil to acquire more and more land until he dies in the distant prairie. He moves further and further out to get a better situation, never being satisfied with what he has. In the end it kills him.”

”The issue of mans greed for land is as relevant today as it was 120 years ago when he wrote it. I’ve been witnessing the drastic changes in our American landscape continuously while driving the highways getting to gigs.”

”[Tolstoy] felt that true art would transcend time and arch from generation to generation long after the creator was dead. I think this story ”How Much Land Does a Man Need?” does that.”

”My hope is that by adapting an old Russian tale with a modern treatment that people might be encouraged to read more Tolstoy. The name has always sounded so intimidating and stuffy to me, but once I read one short story I was hooked. I think its great stuff.”

Jazz Mandolin Project: Taking On Tolstoy

Relaterat på Hönan: Ryssarna som tar sig an bluegrass.
Hönanläsare vet också att jag skrivit en hel del om girighet tidigare.
(Men fastän en av poängerna med en blogg är att den presenterar sin författare i helfigur, har det faktum att jag spelar mandolin aldrig tidigare förekommit här på Hönan.)



Om Blind Höna

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