Eböcker mindre populära bland unga läsare
4 februari 2017 | 2 kommentarer
Mer om Bokhandel lönsam genom att drivas som bokhandel:
One reason for the turnaround in [Waterstones’] fortunes has been the stagnation of the ebook market. It stopped selling Kindle e-readers in 2015 in a move that was regarded as a watershed moment in the battle between physical and digital books. Sales of children’s books have played a big part in its resurgence, and data from market researchers Nielsen Bookscan revealed that, far from embracing the digital revolution, young readers were among the most resistant, with 75% of children favouring physical books and 35% refusing to read digital copies at all.
(Balancing the books: how Waterstones came back from the dead, Guardian, 3 feb 2017)
2 kommentarer to “Eböcker mindre populära bland unga läsare”
februari 4th, 2017 @ 16:00
Analogt vs digitalt: musik kan jag förstå, men att läsa längre texter på skärm – hur tänkte de där?
februari 5th, 2017 @ 23:23
Nå … jag ska avslöja att faktiskt läste båda Octavia Butlers böcker om Earthseed på plattan … det går om böckerna är tillräckligt bra! 🙂