Helt nya meningar (Lingvistisk lördag)
4 februari 2017 | 1 kommentar
När en kollega häromdagen yttrade ”Sätt en traktor i munnen på Pontus så blir det kanske mer jämlikt” kom jag att tänka på vad lingvisten Geoffrey Pullum sagt: ”Linguists are not kidding when they say that your command of language enables you to understand sentences that have never occurred before in the entire history of the human species.” (Never uttered before, LanguageLog, 15 mars 2014).
Gretchen McCulloch på All things linguistic har samlat ihop en liten Hall of fame av ”novel sentences”:
- ”US government plans to use drones to fire vaccine-laced M&Ms near endangered ferrets.”
- ”CafePress takes down T-Shirt Calling Donald Trump a Cheeto-Faced Shitgibbon, Saying It Violates Frito-Lay’s Copyright.”
- ”Argentina’s new president choked on a fake moustache he was wearing as part of a Freddie Mercury costume at his most recent wedding.”
- ”Drive-by yoghurt attack on crochet teacher’s haberdashery leaves her shaken.”
- ”Pope Francis blesses male stripper’s talking parrot.”
En kommentar to “Helt nya meningar (Lingvistisk lördag)”
februari 4th, 2017 @ 10:09