Chefslönerna fortsätter att dra ifrån i USA
28 juli 2004 | Ingen har kommenterat än
”The median pay for a CEO in the United States increased by 15 percent last year, and rose even more – 22 percent – for chiefs at larger companies, according to a survey by The Corporate Library. (…)
Despite public outcry in recent years against excessive pay levels, the report said that ’since every other element of pay has increased, both in magnitude and frequency, CEOs are unlikely to feel the squeeze for at least three years, perhaps never.’ ” CEO pay rises in 2003, survey finds (27 juli 2004)
För det stora flertalet såg det annorlunda ut. I snitt låg USA-lönerna praktist taget stilla 2003 (se U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics). De senaste tio åren har snittlönen ökat med mindre än en procentenhet per år (räknat efter 1982 års dollarvärde).
Kategori: Ekonomi, media och samhälle