Parlamentsledamöternas lönsamma extraknäck
28 februari 2015 | Ingen har kommenterat än
”Without second jobs,will the Tories now try to raise the minimum wage to £67,000?”
Satir lika bitande som koncentrerad fluorsvavelsyra, lika vass som en kirurgskalpell: Mark Steel (!) skriver i The Independent om brittiska parlamentsledamöter som gärna tar emot fantasibelopp av företag, och David Cameron som tycker det är bra att politiker har ”andra jobb” så det får mer erfarenhet:
”The Conservatives’ Peter Tapsell said allowing second jobs was essential, otherwise the House of Commons would be full of ’obsessive crackpots’. And it’s the same with any job. You don’t want postmen obsessively delivering post all day like crackpots, so they should be encouraged to nip off after half an hour and earn eight grand for speaking at an arms fair, to make sure they have a range of experience.
In any case, as Malcolm Rifkind explained, it’s not possible to live in London on an MP’s salary of £67,000. This means when Rifkind passes a housing estate in Barking or Peckham, he must assume everyone he sees there earns more than £67,000, and if he finds out they’re on less than that, that they can’t be living. So it’s just as well he’s resigned as he must be under the impression that London has been taken over by zombies. No wonder he needs to earn as much as he can. He’s building himself an electrified underground bunker to withstand a flesh-eating apocalypse.”
Cameron is right — nothing keeps you in touch with the common person like being paid £5k a day (26 feb 2015)
Andra lysande retorikexempel: jag kommer att tänka på Robin Cooks tal när han avgick som brittisk utrikesminister på grund av Irakkriget (i mars 2003). Eller det här lilla stycket av Thomas Friedman, som också handlar om girighet och orimliga ersättningar.
Kategori: Ekonomi, media och samhälle