Blind Höna

Sedan 2001

”The system is seriously and profoundly broken”

4 april 2016 | Ingen har kommenterat än

Det bästa som sagts med anledning av The Panama Papers – av ekonomen Umair Haque:

1. Keynes designed a global economy precisely so that idle surpluses wouldn’t pile up at the top, and produce inequality and stagnation.

2. Today, as I’ve said before, idle surpluses have piled up through extralegal means like offshore finance. The economy is deeply broken.

3. Those idle surpluses, so big we can’t even count them, 25-50% of global GDP, should be invested in human potential. Public goods.

4. If we’re unable to invest in education, healthcare, etc, if the middle’s imploding, a major cause is looted states + hidden gains.

5. I’m hardly Karl Marx, I’m just a dude. If the system is this broken even to me, it’s really seriously and profoundly broken.

”…men det är inte olagligt”:

PS:Already, the flunkies are like ”but it’s not illegal!!!!” re the #panamapapers. Nope, it’s extralegal. Designed to make law irrelevant.

PPS: The point of offshore finance is to be above the law so you don’t have to break it. But what does break as a result is the financial system.



Om Blind Höna

Bloggen Blind Höna startade 2001 på adressen Nu har den flyttat hemifrån till en egen adress. Men det är samma blogg.

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