”In Sweden, women are rulers of the universe”
”I was 9 when I first stepped into a Swedish school. Freshly arrived from Czechoslovakia, I was bullied by a boy for being an immigrant. My one friend, a tiny little girl, punched him in the face. I was impressed. (…) It didn’t take long to understand that in Sweden, my power was suddenly equal […]
Monument Valley 2!
Monument Valley måste vara ett av de vackraste spel som gjorts. Nu har del 2 kommit.
Ännu en helt ny mening
Porrmissbrukande bombnazist stympade sig själv med yxa ”Linguists are not kidding when they say that your command of language enables you to understand sentences that have never occurred before in the entire history of the human species.” (Geoffrey Pullum) Tidigare Helt nya meningar (Blind Höna 4 feb 2017)
I wish I was in London (Monday music)
… but I’m not. In this northern Swedish city, though, the above is the actual view from my hotel room. And what I think of is this: ”The hotel is just like yesterday’s, and the city has no name. It just stands there in a grey haze, And my room is the same.” So here’s […]
Presenten som försvann: musik
Bara en liten sak som vi gjorde förr, som har försvunnit nästan helt nu när de streamande musiktjänsterna tagit över: Att ge bort musik. En enhet musik – en LP- eller CD-skiva – var en vanlig födelsedagspresent, julklapp, inflyttningspresent, eller i stället för blommor när man blev bortbjuden. Inslagen i presentpapper eller specialdesignad kartong. Särskilt […]
A Middle Class Which Aligns with the Rich Cuts Its Own Throat
”The middle class, can, broadly speaking, align with the rich or with the poor. If it aligns with the rich, the policies it favors benefit the rich exponentially more than they do the middle class. Tax cuts went primarily to the rich, by magnitudes, for example. Real estate prices rising faster than wages made some […]
High Sierra (aktuell måndagsmusik, i sista minuten)
”High Sierra” med underbara Sarah Jarosz, Chris Eldrige (gitarr), Chris Thile (mandolin) med flera. Från A Prarie Home Companion (15 oktober 2016). Skriven av Harley Lee Allen. Sarah Jarosz spelar en octave mandolin eller mandola (namnen varierar).
Luke Bankole: Handmaid’s Tale hälsar till Parable of the Sower
I tv-versionen av The Handmaid’s Tale har vi nu fått veta att Offreds man Luke heter ”Bankole” i efternamn. Det finns inte i originalboken, och är en tydlig blinkning till Octavia Butlers dystopi The Parable of the Sower, där den kvinnliga huvudpersonens svarta man heter just Bankole (i förnamn). Om du fascineras av The Handmaid’s […]
Facebook vs den öppna webben
Get a blog. If your ideas have any value put them on the open web. Facebook is trying to kill it. Trust me you will hate yourself if they succeed.Why I can’t/won’t point to Facebook blog posts (Scripting News, 31 maj 2017) Gustav Holmberg minns ur-bloggverktyget Radio Userland i kommentarerna till Goodbye, @jonas_blind_hen. Dave Winer, […]
When I stole the spotlight from one Gary Brooker, MBE
The Angler – Gary Brooker & The Palers' Band from Jonas Söderström on Vimeo. Every two year or so, me and a couple of friends from all over the world come together to play music. Specifically, the music of Procol Harum and Gary Brooker (of A Whiter Shade of Pale fame, of course). Last year, […]
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